Posts tagged ‘humor’

January 28, 2017

Another “Happy New Year” – Why Not?

Today is Chinese New Year’s Day, the start of the Year of the Rooster, by the lunar calendar. Happy New Year! All the best for health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year.

Why not celebrate another New Year’s holiday? It’ll give you another chance to reflect — again — about what you accomplished last year, and what you’d like to accomplish in the coming year.

In case you’re wondering, celebrate by adding chicken, fish, long noodles, and eggs to your menu sometime through the day. If you already ate, have some tomorrow. They’re all supposed to bring you good luck, and as you know, you can’t have too much good luck!

November 26, 2016

How to Create a Tradition

After eating my share of turkey on Thursday, in an after-dinner haze I idly wondered, when did turkey start to take hold as a staple of the Thanksgiving dinner? Some quick unvalidated research (i.e. Google) revealed that the first Thanksgiving dinner was held by the Pilgrims in 1621 soon after their arrival.

The feast supposedly lasted three days, by the way. Apparently most of us try to cram that kind of meal into one sitting in today’s times.

But it wasn’t until 1863, over 240 years later, when President Abraham Lincoln declared the fourth Thursday in November as a day of Thanksgiving, that turkey started to become associated with the Thanksgiving holiday. And I’ll bet most people think turkey’s been a part of the tradition since way back in 1621.

Rumor has it that the turkey and cranberry industries lobbied this into being. What a way to create a tradition! Can you do something like that in your competitive space? Hope you had a good holiday!

June 20, 2014

Life’s Good, Once Again

A couple of weeks ago (see my last post), I was struggling mightily trying to communicate with @LGUS, LG USA. As you might have read, the owners of the tag line “Life’s Good” were making my life so very NOT good. Caught between a communication conflict between LG’s customer support arm and a third-party authorized service center, my frustration was reaching astronomical heights, because my 1-year old LG refrigerator had been dead for almost 2 weeks and there was no clear end in sight.

Well, I’m happier to report that @LGUS did finally come through, after I was able to speak to the right people. They resolved the situation to my satisfaction, allowing me to go out and buy a new refrigerator to replace the LG that died. On a Friday after lunch my wife and I went out to shop, and by 4pm on Saturday a new refrigerator was humming away, cooling itself down. The next day I happily pulled a frosty cold beverage out, and fired up the BBQ to celebrate.

Was the new one an LG, you ask? I’ll give you one guess. But I do appreciate the quick resolution by the folks at LG, once I was able to get connected to the right people. I think I’ll just continue to stick with LG for my consumer electronics, and leave it at that.

I hope life’s good for all of you!

April 29, 2012

It’s Not How Busy You Are…

There’s an epidemic of “busy busy” going around. A lot of people are saying how busy they are. Sometimes, they’re using that as an excuse for not doing something they should have done, like answer an email that contained a specific question. Or returned a call left in their voicemail box.

Some of these folks think that this makes them look good. It’s anything but, because it’s not how busy you are, it’s what you get done. I’ve met many people who say how busy they are, yet they don’t seem to get much done — they’re not that productive. I’ve also met some folks who I know are very busy, yet if I call them and leave a message, or send an email, they always have time to respond in a timely manner. And these folks always seem to be unhurried, like they have all the time to spend with me.

Of course I wouldn’t take any more of their time than I should, but boy does that make me feel special. Think about it. Try not to catch the “busy busy” going around.

June 17, 2011

From the “Are You Certain?” File

There’s a new study out, the results of which were reported in this article on Time Magazine’s website It seems that researchers in Australia have concluded that if you’re on an airplane and another passenger has the flu, the closer you sit to that person, the greater the chances of you catching the flu.

And I’m presuming these guys were paid to perform this study … Have a great weekend!